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Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

My Tender Age

    When I was 5 years old, i really like playing anything that i can played and like doing anything that i can did. I really like playing ball with my friends, i like playing game and etc.
    Onething that i never forgot that i really like photo, i really like took picture with my dad's camera, i like took picture of someone or object. Anything i saw, took that as picture in camera.
Except liked camera, i also like heard the sound when the blitz already blaze .... ''klik''....very amazing for me at the time...
    One day, when my dad wanted to bring his camera to his office, he forgot to bring that. I knew that my dad forgot it but i didn't tell him, haha cause i wanted to play camera.
I started to use it, open the lense, made target that i would took...and...klik...klik...klik..., that's sound i like.
Everything around me, i took as a picture, go to the other side, i took rubbish been picture in front of my house, i took tree, took picture of my foot and legs, door of my house and many more.
I enjoyed my game and seen the word ''Memory card is full'', i read it with the word but i didn't understand what is that. I stay photo and took my object again and again.
    When i took photo so umpteenth, the camera was off, at the time i think that the camera should be charge as my father did when the camera was stop to work and off. Its still afternoon and my dad didn't come back cause he came back home at evening from his office.
So, i charge its battery and waiting...
    When it's finnished, i started to play it again, i press the on button, but there's not resposed, i try and try again and it didn't work.
I really afraid if my dad camera broke by me...so....i made myself as if as i didn't know anything. I stay played but didn't use camera again..
    When my dad came back home, he saw his camera moved to the other side. He tried to use it but it's not responsed, he asked all people in our home but they didn't know anything except me...my dad asked me...and i answered that i use it and broke it, i afraid but i tried to tell honesty answer. My dad forgive me, not also cause for the broke camera but i already tolg with honest.
     A few days ago,my dad brought it to repair the camera.actually,i have a lot took picture more than 2 thousand photo. It's not broke,but the memory have a lot of photo and didn't work.
After repair it,the camera can be used again.and i would like to hear that sound again . . ."klik".
From the story we can learn that we should try to be honesty people and admit our fault.
Untrl now i still like take photo.klik yeaaaa.

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